Over expression and functional analyses of a protein nanocapsule, Encapsulin
发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2018-10-24    浏览次数:


Masafumi Odaka教授1994年在东京工业大学生命科学与化学系获得博士学位,1994-2003年担任理研公司(RIKEN)生化系统实验室研究员,2004年至2014年担任东京农工大学生命科学技术系副教授,2014年至今担任秋田大学生命化学系教授,现任秋田大学工程科学研究院副院长。主要研究领域为蛋白质生物材料,已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.J. Am. Chem. Soc.Nat. Struct. Biol.等国际期刊发表一系列论文。


Nanoparticles have been one of the most important key technologies among various scientific fields such as Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, and Analytical Chemistry. Especially, nanoparticles using gold, quantum dots, and amphiphilic polymers have been extensively studied. Proteins are the most abundant nanomaterials in living organisms and have been considered to have potentially very excellent characteristics in self-organization, chemical activities and structural homogeneity. However, studies treating proteins as nanoparticles have been very limited except for some pioneering researches on ferritin and peripheral virus particles, because of their complex structures, difficulties in self-organization and/or assembly, and instability against temperature, pH and organic solvents. We have been studied a nanoparticle-forming protein, Encapsulin. It has a molecular weight of about 30k, and 60 copies of the Encapsulin subunit form a spherical particle with a thin T=1 icosahedral shell with a diameter of 24 nm. Here, we show two kinds of Encapsulins from a mesophilic bacterium, Rhodococcus erythropolis N771 and a hyperthermophilic one, Thermotoga maritima.