Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Based Bioelectrodes with Chemical and Topographical Cues to Manipulate the Neuronal Cells
发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2019-06-05    浏览次数:


Dr. Yu received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 2003 from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, and Ph.D. in 2008 from UC Berkeley/UC San Francisco Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering. Dr. Yu worked as a postdoctoral researcher at UCSF Medical School and Cardiovascular Research Institute from 2008-2010. She relocated back to her alma mater in 2010 and was an Assistant Professor from 2010- 2015 and was promoted to Associate Professor from 2015 till now. Her group focus on customized and functional modification of biomaterials including surface modification of biomaterials to enhance cell and extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction. Antibody and peptides conjugated nanoparticles as biosensors and drug delivery vehicles for cancer therapy, cell encapsulation and 3D culture of hASCs (human adipose-derived stem cell) in alginate-based microspheres and various porous scaffold and hydrogel for stem cells differentiation.The group has representative publications in Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Sciences etc. Selected Awards and Fellowships of Dr.Yu include: Young Investigator Award 2012.


In this study, we found that a flat PEO/PEDOT:PSS composite film, fabricated through spin-coating, operated through a contact repulsion mechanism that limited cell attachment and proliferation; in contrast, the aligned and random PEDOT:PSS nanofibers fabricated through electrospinning promoted neuron adhesion efficiently and allowed manipulation of the cell morphology. Furthermore, we performed ES of PC12 cells to investigate the influence of the conductive random and aligned PEO/PEDOT:PSS composite nanofiber mats on the enhancement of neurite outgrowth, as well as the relative gene expression of Nestin, Tuj1, and MAP2. The PC12 cells on the aligned topography displayed predominantly bipolar neurites along the direction of the nanofibers; PC12 cells on the random nanofibers produced a greater number of neurites than did those on the aligned nanofibers; the neurite length and neuronal gene expression level were enhanced by greater than 60% relative to those of control tissue culture polystyrene plate (TCPS) substrates under ES.